Introducing the Codebase Health Calculator

The Sema Score Calculator is a quick, anonymous assessment of codebase health and risks.

Sema has evaluated code within organizations that have a collective value of over $1 trillion in order to create a Codebase Health Score, rated on a 100-point scale. Codebases score well have faster engineering velocity, lower security and compliance risks, and are more likely to pass investor diligence. We found the 12 engineering metrics that matter most, which are the basis of our Codebase Health Score and can be read about here.

Receive a high-level estimate of your Codebase Health Score by completing this quick and completely anonymous form.

- Fill out all of the fields marked with an asterisk (*).
- In Part One, answer three questions to find a suitable set of comparable organizations. We ask for this because Codebase health is fundamentally contextual-- a two year old codebase should look much different than a 20 year old one.
- In Part Two, answer questions about code quality, security, cyber, and other areas. The calculator includes the most common answer as the default option. If you are unsure, leave the answer as is.
- Your scores are automatically updated as you change the default answers.
- Please ignore the "Cancel" and "Save" buttons. These are due to quirks of AppSheet and do not affect your calculation.

Note: No identifiable information is entered and no information entered is stored by Sema.

You can and should ignore the "Cancel" and "Save" buttons. These are due to quirks of AppSheet and do not affect your calculation. Your information is not stored. The calculator updates automatically.